Dear Ladies & Gentlemen!

First of all thank you very much for visiting my site. Thats kind of encourages to release more and better editions, so stay tuned !!!

I think most of you know about the main topic on this site - it is indeed long female hair and I mean ONLY long female hair! I think both men and women have very different  reasons for wearing their hair long. For most of the ladies, long hair seems to be a beauty feature and for the exact same reason I love it so much.  Long hair is the most beautiful gift that god has given to you ladies, so please let it grows long!

This page is especially designed for Netscape Communicator (tm). For best viewing the resolution should be set to 800*600. It should also works fine at 1024*768, but please don't try it in a lower resolution because it doesn't look good at all that way.  In case of technical problems please drop me a mail - I'll try and fix them!

This site uses a frame- & imagemap-system, which should be working fine on every computer. I don't think there are still people out there using a Netscape version lower than 3.0.

I'll try and update my page regularly on a weekly basis but sometimes it might as well take me two weeks. At the moment, I have enough picture material at hand for an other one and a half years' editions of my site to come. And I am sure that my stack of pictures will grow even bigger in the future. I would also appreciate if you could send me some of your long-hair pictures. By adding such my site would become more of a co-operation work and a lot more international. As you might have noticed, my long-hair pictures are taken in a small part of Germany only.

So, if you have some new material, please send me your girlfriend's/wife's long hair pictures, street shots or even an interview or/and an interesting story to my e-mail address: I´ll check my mailbox every day. Thank you very much in advance.

I also want to express my special thanks to Frank Plönißen for his great technical help and all of his support. Thank you also to Alex from "Alex Long Hair Page" for pushing me to create my own long hair site.

Fuer alle deutschen Besucher (something for the German visitors)

Ich freue mich ganz besonders, dass mal wieder jemand aus deutschen Gefilden hier reinschaut. Bitte habt Verstaendnis dafuer, dass ich die Homepage grundsaetzlich in Englisch erstellt habe, das Internet ist nunmal ein internationales Netz und damit moeglichst viele Leute etwas von der Site haben, sollte man sich auf den kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner einigen und der heisst fuer mich Englisch.

Bist du weiblicher Natur und hast vielleicht auch schoene lange Haare ? Bist du dann vielleicht auch bereit, einige Fotos von dir machen zu lassen, natuerlich voellig kostenfrei fuer dich bzw. mit einem kleinen Honorar versuesst ? Dann melde dich doch bitte bei:

Sollte dir dazu der Mut fehlen, ist das auch kein Beinbruch. Wie waere es dann mit einem kurzen Interview zu deiner Person und zu deinen Haaren ? Ich waere Dir/Ihnen sehr dankbar.

Fall mich jemand auf dem Postweg erreichen moechte, ist das ebenfalls moeglich, die Adresse dafuer lautet:

Rico Kubitza
Randsiedlung 70
D-39439 Guesten
- Germany -

ICQ: #27335372